Along with the Deputy Commissioner of Taipei City government's Department of Sports Fang Zhen-Kun, Deputy Director of 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade Organizing Committee's Facilities and Environmental Protection Division Lan Jian-Feng, representatives from Chinese Taipei Football Association, and experts and specialists from Ministry of Education's Sports Administration, the Chair William John Warnock and committee member for football event Andrey Vlasov of International University Sports Federation (French: Federation internationale du sport universitaire, FISU)'s International Technical Committee called on Hsinchu County Stadium and Second Stadium on May 1 to carry out the inspection of pitches and venues for the future football events. Magistrate Chiu Ching-Chun, Deputy Magistrate Chang Jen-Hsang and relevant staffs accompanied the guests throughout their entire inspection visit. As the transport hub, Hsinchu County is situated in convenient location and can connect the venues, Magistrate Chiu stated. Chiu added that the County facilities meet the requirements of international competition, and promised FISU and 2017 Taipei Summer Universiade Organizing Committee that the County's government will render full cooperation to put their advice into practice.
Writer: Fan Rui-Yuan, Press Section of General Development Department
Tel: 5518101 ext. 3912