Hsinchu County’s Liou Jia Senior High School held the unveiling ceremony of its pre-opening office and ground-breaking ceremony of the academic building on March 3. Magistrate Chiu Ching-Chun and Deputy Speaker Lin Wei-Chou attended the ceremony to break the ground with shovels, and Legislator Hsu Hsin-Ying was also present at the ceremony to send her congratulation. The County government sank a total of approximately NT$ 220 million in constructing the academic building, and they are projected to announce the completion before the end of May of 2015. In addition, the County government has conducted an overall plan to fashion Liou Jia Senior High into the County’s first bilingual high school in the years to come.
The establishment of Liou Jia Senior High is expected to allow local students to attend schools in their vicinity all the way from elementary school to senior high school, making students study without geographical constraints and lifting a weight off their parents’ shoulders, Magistrate Chiu pointed out. Chiu added that Liou Jia Senior High will be located in the peripheral area of Hsinwawu Hakka Cultural Conservation Area and is embedded with educational meaning to pass down the Hakka cultures to younger generation.
To react to the policy of 12-year compulsory education and to allow Hsinchu’s junior high graduates to study in a community high school, the County government approved the reorganization of Liou Jia Junior High School to Liou Jia Senior High School considering Zhubei’s fast development trend and dire need of educational resources, the County’s Department of Education (DOE) declared.
The 4-story new academic building with a basement floor will be built in reinforced concrete as its main structure, and will have 24 classrooms, 10 bathrooms, subject classrooms, audio-visual classrooms, and second-language multimedia classrooms, stated the principal of Liou Jia Junior High School Liu An-Lun. It is anticipated that the completion can provide teachers and students with top-notch teaching and learning environment.
Liou Jia Senior High School will have affiliated junior high school and open 6 classes to recruit 240 10th students by August, 2015, and 8 classes will be opened for each grade with a total of 960 10th grade, 11th grade and 12th grade students in approaching years, the principal Liu announced. The DOE remarked that Liou Jia Senior High will be the first bilingual high school in Hsinchu County, and is to include special courses such as science and mathematics, languages, art and culture, etc by absorbing resources from neighboring universities. Each student will be trained with ability to write an essay or to conduct an independent study, and passing the Intermediate Level of General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) and credits of second language course (Germany, Japanese or French) will be designed as the graduation requirements. To improve students’ English proficiency, Liou Jia Senior High will recruit new teachers to map out All-English art and vocational courses. The open admission policy will be adopted by the first semester of 2015, and seats for students who wish to go through special enrollment will also be opened in the coming years.
Source: Department of Education of Hsinchu County Government
Tel: (03)5518101 ext.2850
Writer and Compiler: Yang Hui-Juan