Hsinchu County Reading Club Friends Plus One! To provide readers of the public libraries at Hsinchu County with more convenient access to reading resources, on the 21st, Taoyuan City Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan, Hsinchu County Magistrate Yang Wen-ke, and Hsinchu City Deputy Mayor Shen Hui-hung at the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taoyuan City Government jointly announced the official launch of the “Taoyuan City-Hsinchu City-Hsinchu County Library Card One-Pass Service,” which marks a new milestone in the promotion of reading in the public libraries of Hsinchu County.
Yang Wenke, the mayor of Hsinchu County, said that he would like to express his gratitude to Taoyuan City and Hsinchu City for cooperation on the library card one-pass service. The living standards of Taoyuan City, Hsinchu City and Hsinchu County are quite high, and in this common living circle there is a considerable amount of migration. Mayor Cheng mentioned that the concept of regional governance has been conducive to regional cooperation in many cases, including the library card one-pass service that Hsinchu County has been promoting to benefit residents of Taoyuan City, Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu County. To foster prosperous and civil communities, it’s necessary to promote reading, turn knowledge into power, liberate people’s intellectual life, and create a space for rest and leisure. The library card one-pass services benefits all residents and satisfies their need to read.
Yang Wenke said that Hsinchu County has been actively connecting with neighboring counties and cities to promote reading and the quality of reading since 2019. It has successively opened a book lending service with Hsinchu City and Taipei City. This time, it provides joint library card one-pass services with Taoyuan City. It is estimated that readers in Hsinchu County will have access to more than 103 libraries that provide diverse and rich collections, with a total of more than 14 million books and electronic resources in the public libraries of 4 counties and cities.
At the same time, Yang announced the good news that the construction of the Hsinchu County General Library will begin on the 22nd. After it is completed and opens to the public, the library will hold 500,000 volumes, and readers of Taoyuan City, Hsinchu City, and Hsinchu County will have access to abundant library resources. The General Library provides an expanded exchange platform for readers. Yang further pointed out that after he took office, the budget for book purchases has increased significantly from NT$4.81 million to NT$25.88 million this year, reaching a record high. He hopes that people will enrich their intellectual life by reading more books.