Schools at all levels across the country are suspended as of today, May 28, and students began online learning from their homes. Today (19th), Hsinchu County Magistrate Yang Wen-Ke personally visited Zhubei Mayuan Elementary School in Zhubei Township to inspect the online learning situation of students and reach out to the students through video conferencing. County Magistrate Yang said that the online learning situation for kindergarten, third grade, fourth grade and fifth grade students that he saw today was quite good. Some teachers also led students in physical activities and interacted with them as usual via video, and the effect remained the same. The quality of the system is good, so the learning quality in math and other classes was also not compromised.
County Magistrate Yang mentioned that schools have also provided tablets for parents to borrow for their children, and have taught students how to take classes online to ensure that their quality of learning is not compromised. Today, he saw that their learning situation was quite positive, and thanked all the principals and teachers in all the schools for remaining dedicated to their post. The Department of Education indicated that any school with a need can approach the Department, and the Department will provide any needed tablets and network equipment as quickly as possible so that learning can remain uninterrupted.
The Department of Education indicated that when the pandemic broke out last year, plans were immediately made for using the M3 Cloud platform for schools in Hsinchu County. In addition, multiple drills were conducted with the schools. The platform functions include two-way audio and video, multi-person electronic whiteboard, presentation upload, real-time questionnaire and voting, group video discussion, note sharing and automatic recording. When a livestream course is completed, the recording file will be automatically stored in the course platform for students to watch again for review. Teachers can also use this platform to perform assessments or set up open discussion areas to review the effectiveness of student learning.