The Xinpu Lantern Festival Parade kicked off today (February 8) in Xinpu Township. This is the 10th year of the Xinpu Lantern Festival Parade, and the COVID-19 epidemic did not dampen the enthusiasm of the people. Thousands of people gathered to enjoy the fun, and the county government has actively prepared numerous epidemic prevention measures to ensure a good public hygiene environment so that everyone can have fun and enjoy the show. County Magistrate Yang Wen-Ke, Council Speaker Chang Cheng-Jung, Xinpu Township Mayor Lin Pao-Lu and many other distinguished guests also transformed into Marvel heroes. Among them, County Magistrate Yang became Captain Hsinchu, wielding the shield held by Captain America in the movie. Kicking off to the creative lantern theme of Pippi Lion and the Colorful Rocks Hunt, he led the entire team in the parade.
In addition to the four courtship themed giant golden mouse lanterns, the grand event this year also included 8 lanterns created by local communities. Nearly 50 teams with a total of more than 1,200 people participated in the parade. All the teams are hidden talents, and their wonderful performances enlivened Xinpu Township and amazed the spectators along the streets. The performing teams included the Dream Dance Troupe, an outstanding and high quality dance troupe in Hsinchu County, the Clockwork Dolls Performing Team symbolizing harmony between water and fire, the Art Baby dance troupe and many clubs from community colleges. There were lanterns from community teams such as the Dari Equestrian Team, and Hakka Bayin Music, monocycle and the Leofoo Village Themed Park Happy and Honey, who are popular with both adults and children. The performers stretched along the entire Zhongzheng Road, creating a very festive air in Xinpu Township with their brilliant lanterns and making it a very special night for everyone.
County Magistrate Yang expressed his gratitude to everyone for braving the cold and the COVID-19 epidemic to participate in the Lantern Festival Parade activities. He believes that with the cooperation between the central and local governments, everyone will be safe and healthy, and welcomed everyone to come enjoy tonight's. exciting activities with their families.
To extend the Hakka Sky Mending Day festival, the Xinpu Township Art Plaza will be displaying four themed lanterns and eight creative lanterns from the community between now and February 15. In addition, lanterns painted by students in Hsinchu County will be strung along the town streets. During the day, the lanterns will look like paintings and when the lights are turned on at nightfall, their bright lights will illuminate the streets of Xinpu Township so that everyone can feel the festivity of the Lantern Festival when they are in town. For event details, please visit the official event website.