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Deng Yu-Hsien Memorial Concert Opens: Hundreds sang and relived the era of folk songs with the family of Deng Yu-Hsien
  • PostDate:2020-08-01
  • Modified Date:2020-11-17

Deng Yu-Hsien Memorial Concert Opens: Hundreds sang and relived the era of folk songs with the family of Deng Yu-Hsien

    The Deng Yu-Hsien Memorial Concert entitled "Summer Night-Journey Along Highway 3" made its grand opening this evening at the Deng Yu-Hsien Music and Cultural Park in Qionglin. The family of Deng Yu-Hsien was also present to share in this summer auditory feast. This year, the Zhuyou Mixed Choir and the Qionglin Elementary School Choir performed two of Mr. Deng Yu-Hsien 's classic compositions in a "Hundred Voices" performance. Through the performances of singers such as Johnny Yin, Wanfang, Jonathan Wong and Slow Train, Hsinchu County Magistrate Yang Wen-Ke and the audience relived the glorious era of the father of Taiwanese folk songs and shared a beautiful and romantic summer evening.
    County Magistrate Yang Wen-Ke said that this year, the Zhuyou Mixed Choir and the Qionglin Elementary School Choir from Hsinchu County were specially invited to perform together. Everyone found their interpretation and presentation of Mr. Deng Yu-Hsien's compositions very refreshing. Although Mr. Deng Yu-Hsien's songs are in the Minnan dialect, there were also Hakka versions of the lyrics. Hopefully more Hakka elements can be included in the future so that Mr. Deng Yu-Hsien's compositions can be presented in Hakka. The participation of Deng Yu-Hsien's family made the whole event even more meaningful. In tomorrow's performance at the Cultural Bureau of Hsinchu County Auditorium, Chien Hsueh-Fong will be leading the Cross-Play Piano Ensemble and Deng Yu-Hsien's great-grandsons Jhao Yi-Ciao and Jhao Yi-Hsiang in a joint performance. It is a musical feast that should not be missed by those who love music.
    Huang Cheng-Piao, Chief of Qionglin Township said that the opening of the annual Deng Yu-Hsien Concert was lively. He thanked the Hsinchu County government team for their attention to this event and their diligence in promoting the event. Each year, the event offers additional highlights, attracting many residents to attend the concert. He encouraged everyone to use the concert to remember the musician who pioneered Taiwanese folk songs.